Wednesday, February 2, 2011

The glue that holds me together...

Is apparently nonexistent.  This is going to be a shorter post than others.  I just want to work this out a bit.  I've been thinking lately about cohesion in relation  I listened to my ipod on random for about two hours today.  The first song was "Maybe Memories" by The Used.  It's a "post-hardcore" screamy anthem, speaking to living in the present, looking toward the future, and not looking back or regretting things like eating beans before an interview or accidentally using poison ivy leaves as toilet paper (it's actually probably about former drug habits or the like, but let's just pretend it's less serious than that).  To give you an idea of what that song might sound like, this is the lead singer Bert McCracken screaming (not singing) something:

He's screaming, "I HATE SHOWERS!"  Probably.  Or maybe, "I'M AWESOOOOME!"

So that was the first song.  And I totally rocked out to it and thought about not looking back at skipping so many classes in college (wah-wah).  Then the next song came on, and it was "Sexual Healing" by the great Marvin Gaye.  No explanation necessary--if you don't know what "Sexual Healing" sounds like, then we probably shouldn't be friends anymore.  The next song that came on was "The High Road" by Broken Bells.  I actually have no idea what it's about because I only know half of the lyrics, but it's a mellow, sort of electronic but mostly just...awesome type of song.  Here.  The musical equivalent of judging a book by its cover.  Tell me what you think they sound like:

Other than awesome, I'd say they sound...really awesome. 
How they make beep-beeps and boop-boops without a synthesizer present, I'll never know.
Then after that tasty little diddy, there was Sara Bareilles with "Gravity".  A sweet, heartbreaking piano ballad that makes me want to cry for days at a time (I'm still crying, in fact).  Her voice-of-an-angel plus her piano-playing-of-an-angel equals best-song-ever-if-you-have-your-own-sad-love-story.  Then there were others: The Starting Line (usually-upbeat pop-punk), Mumford and Sons (BANJOOOS!), Leona Lewis (crazy amazing diva singing), Jay-Z (best rapper alive--debate.  Now.  Go.), Sarah Brightman (her Broadway era--yes, I have showtunes on my ipod).  And so on and so forth.

I actually, out loud, asked myself, "WHAT IS HAPPENING?" in all caps.  There is little to no cohesion in my musical taste.  There is no single element that draws these songs/artists together except, "I like this."  And the lack of cohesion extends beyond my musical taste.  Take this blog, for example.  What is the bonding factor?  It's mostly just me talking at my computer (via my fingers) about things from hockey to Sweden to woe-is-me sob stuff.  There is no bonding factor except, "I like talking about this."

I guess I just have to face the fact that I'm a weirdo.  I like what I like, and I don't need a reason.  I just like it.  SO THERE.

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