Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Patience is a virtue...


I haven't had much to talk about because my mind has been consumed by a total of two things: money (or lack thereof) and hockey.  But somehow the subject of patience falls under the "money" category because I'm waiting for the day when I make wads of cash.

Preferably they will not be ones, but I'll take it...
It's unfortunate that I've racked up some tens of thousands of dollars in student loans for something like a top-rate education that has literally gotten me nothing in return.  It's more than unfortunate.  It really, really sucks.  My whole life, I believed I had to go to college to get a good job.  Here I am, a shiny, new-ish degree in hand, and I'm jobless (more or less), while my friends who don't have college degrees are making more money than I am and receiving benefits (of which I have none) at their full-time jobs (of which I also obviously have none).  I'm not saying they don't deserve those jobs--they do!  I'm proud of them, and I'm glad they have those jobs!  All I'm saying is I thought that with a degree I'd be a desirable candidate for SOME kind of job that earns me more than minimum-wage, even if it is JUST a liberal arts degree.

Frustrated and impatient.  That's how I feel.

1 comment:

  1. Well you're definitely not alone on that one. PLENTY of people with degrees are still looking for jobs. I guess that's why they're calling this a recession...

    BUT! If you want one option, here it is:

    I know you said earlier that Madison is not for you, but you should TOTALLY DO IT! I sent James the link too, so he might be applying. Maybe we can get a whole herd of Newdos living together in Wisconsin after some time (It'll be much better than that sounds).
